
媒體人眼中的才女 美學大師黃馬琍

MerrySPA開館一年四個月就回本,到現在已經整整三個年頭,Spa館內的運作良好,轉型成功,擴大發展,生意可說是蒸蒸日上。 面對今日的成果,董事長黃馬琍每次提起創業的甘苦仍不勝唏噓 ,三年前,她走在忠孝東路上,那是事業最低潮的時候,心情跌入谷底,公司內部重要幹部離職,自己連七十元的計程車錢彷彿也都承擔不起。

當時「喜悅」有財務危機,她站在十字路口上思考,如果企業不轉型,發不出薪水,那些跟著她十幾二十年的員工,要如何面對「怎麼辦 ?」


董事長黃馬琍強調成功有二個重點,一是市場區隔,一是注意力集中,前者是確定目標,以前做的是美髮美容,現在則隨著時代潮流,成立 Spa館。


董事長 黃馬琍
董事長黃馬琍 創業5大成功秘訣
  1. 市場區隔
  2. 洞悉趨勢
  3. 目標管理
  4. 延伸觸角
  5. 不斷學習成長
Female Talent in the Eyes of the Media, Master in Aesthetics Huang Ma Li

Merry SPA earned back all its initial investment capital in just one year and four months, and now it has been open for three years. The SPA has been operating smoothly, successfully transitioned, and been slowly expanding. Business is considered to be booming. Looking at her success today, Chairperson Huang Ma Li still shudders when she thinks of the hardships she faced when first starting her business. Three years ago, she was walking on Chung Hsiao East Rd. when her business was at its lowest. She was emotionally drained at the time, an important internal staff member had just resigned, and she felt she could not even afford a NT70 taxi fee.

At the time “Merry” was facing a financial crisis, she stood at the crossroad and started to think, if the business did not transition and she could not pay the salaries of the employees that have stayed with her for ten to twenty years, how could she face “What do we do?”

“Change allows rebirth.” Chairperson Huang Ma Li is a devout Christian. For the past three years, at three thirty in the morning before daybreak, she gets up and does her morning bible devotions.

Chairperson Huang Ma Li emphasizes that there are two keys to success, one is market segmentation, and the other is focus. The first part is to clarify the goal. Before, the business mainly focused on hair and beauty, and now as times change, they established a SPA.

Actually, you do not have to be a boss to be an entrepreneur. If you do a good job in your line of work, that is also a type of entrepreneurship. You are creating the position of a manager, and no matter what your level is, as long as you try your best, you are creating a business.

Chairperson Huang Ma Li
The 5 keys to Chairperson Huang Ma Li’s entrepreneurial success
  1. Market segmentation
  2. Insight into trends
  3. Goal management
  4. Expansion
  5. Continuous learning and growth